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Wild Woman Yoga Classes

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Women's Yoga Classes

A women's yoga class that fluctuates with the phases of the moon.


An invitation to stay connected to the seasons and cycles of our bodies and nature through movement, rest and connection.

Suitable for pregnancy, all phases of the menstrual cycle, menopause & open to all who identify as women with or without cycles.

My work is inclusive of but not exclusive to those with wombs and periods. You don't have to have a womb or periods to practice with me or join a circle but if you do I'm here to accommodate that.

Tuesdays weekly online 
18:00-19:15 | Wild Woman Yoga

19:30-20:15 | Yoga Nidra

Wednesdays weekly in person

10:00-11:15 | Wild Woman Yoga | Furtho Manor Farm

Anytime by signing up to my Patreon page

On demand yoga classes, yoga nidras, meditations as well as an invitation to the Wild WOman Club community group and much more

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