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Carly Chandler-Morris
Apr 30, 20242 min read
Ovulation, The Forgotten Part of Our Cycles
I want to address something that's been on my mind a bit lately... I think it’s bloody wonderful that menstrual cycles are coming out of...

Carly Chandler-Morris
Sep 8, 20212 min read
You can trust the growing pains of your transformation
The moon waxes into light as effortlessly as she surrendered to the darkness that came before. She has done this countless times before...

Carly Chandler-Morris
May 21, 20213 min read
Why I do what I do
From addiction to obsession Before I discovered yoga I was in survival mode. I went from work to sleep to work and from addiction to...

Carly Chandler-Morris
Jan 20, 20213 min read
Emotions as allies
Every year I get braver and braver in meeting my emotions and it seems the more resilience I develop the more challenging the emotional...

Carly Chandler-Morris
Oct 28, 20204 min read
We deserve to be valued in all our seasons
You can’t have spring without autumn and people with periods deserve to be valued, loved and accepted when we’re 'nice' and ovulatory as...

Carly Chandler-Morris
Aug 13, 20204 min read
Learning to harvest the crop and settle in for winter
Living close to nature and on a farm keeps me deeply connected to the seasons and cycles of nature, which in turn serves as a daily reminder

Carly Chandler-Morris
Jul 31, 20208 min read
Don't we all deserve a life worth living?
The last few months have really had me reflecting even more deeply than usual on cyclical living and the pace of modern life.
A couple of

Carly Chandler-Morris
Jun 18, 20203 min read
I might just burn down the world and start over...
Menstrual Cycle Awareness is a potent practice for connecting to the many different expressions of power we have access to as people with pe

Carly Chandler-Morris
May 3, 20205 min read
Yoga and obsession
I started yoga at 17 because I was obsessed with exercise and the Power Yoga VHS I used pushed me hard and kept me out of my body. I exerci

Carly Chandler-Morris
Apr 22, 20204 min read
Rest is Radical a Rhythmical Rebellion
It’s taken a global pandemic to give many people the rest they’ve needed for a lifetime. A recent study even showed that of the participants

Carly Chandler-Morris
Mar 12, 20204 min read
Confidence, cunts and congruency
A couple of years ago it seemed as though vaginas suddenly got a revamp, all of a sudden they were 'yonis' 'cunts' or 'v

Carly Chandler-Morris
Mar 8, 20206 min read
What happens when I say period in class and why I keep doing it anyway…
What happens when I say period in class and why I keep doing it anyway… I came away from my Well Woman Yoga Therapy training empowered to...

Carly Chandler-Morris
Mar 2, 20202 min read
Linear consistency isn’t sustainable & pleasure is our birth rite
Day 13 can be a tricky day for me (I usually ovulate around day 11/12 so this is a post ovulatory day for me) if I’m overstimulated, overwor

Carly Chandler-Morris
Feb 2, 20201 min read
Dirty, hairy, happy
If women are always shaving, cleaning, tidying, putting on make up and feeling exhausted from dieting and pretending our periods don’t exist

Carly Chandler-Morris
Jan 2, 20202 min read
Permission to emerge slowly...
'I don't want new year new me, I just want to eat toast.'
I think I share this every year because it is truly one of the funn

Carly Chandler-Morris
Dec 24, 20193 min read
Remembering the old ways, the wild ways
This weekend we celebrated the longest night of the year at Winter Solstice. An invitation to soak up the healing balms of winter darkness a

Carly Chandler-Morris
Jun 11, 20192 min read
Self understanding is a precursor to self love
To understand what is happening the body and why is a basic human right. We should be taught from before our very first period how we can gl

Carly Chandler-Morris
Jun 3, 20191 min read
I dream of a world...
~ I dream of a world where all women have access to toilets and sanitary materials
~ I dream of a world where women can take period days a

Carly Chandler-Morris
Apr 16, 20193 min read
Softening to the possibility of the moment
Two weeks ago I took myself to the lake on our land for a few hours to drink cacao and meditate in nature to harness the often insightful...

Carly Chandler-Morris
Mar 22, 20195 min read
The wisdom of the seasons
I was listening to Aubrey Marcus' podcast this week (big love to my man for introducing me to this gem) and he said something like...
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